March 2011
Mar 1-14, Feria Internacional Tapachula, Chiapas (Tapachula, Chiapas International Fair) One of the largest fairs in the region, state and country including; livestock, agriculture, commercial exhibitions, bullfights, rodeos, art, hand crafts, local cuisine, family shows and concerts, and don’t forget the rides. Mar 3-9, Carnaval (Carnival), Nationwide. This festival is an official Mexican holiday that...

February 2011
Feb 1-6, Zihua Sailfest 2010 ,Zihuatanejo, Gro. This will be the 10th year of Sailfest which started because the boaters, stopping in Zihua on their way south, wanted to help the children and schools in the area. It has become an annual event where the boaters, joined by the local people and merchants, join in a...