Capital Gains Tax
On the Sale of Your Vacation Home
Real estate investors always have a lot of questions about income tax on capital gains. Instead of writing an article giving a full explanation of how this tax is calculated, deducted, exempted and paid, I prefer to share with you the most frequently asked questions made by property owners and tax payers. What is the...

Property Taxes
On your vacation home
Just as in any other country, Mexico depends upon income from the annual tax on property to keep local governments functioning and provide important local services for the region… The good part is that the annual tax assessed on Mexican properties is often less than it might be for property in many other countries! And,...

Enjoying Income from Rental Properties
http://youtu.be/UJUrtLMJByw Every day more and more foreigners from the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe, have found Mexico to be an ideal location for healthy retirement. Others have come to Mexico as a result of job transfers. Others still, taking advantage of electronic and wireless communications, seek out delightful areas in which to live and...

Closing Costs
in a Real Estate Transaction
Closing costs in Mexico are often a surprise for foreign buyers… Sometimes they feel the closing costs are too low, sometimes too high, but many times they are just confused why they were told one approximate by their attorney, a different one by their real estate agent, and a completely different one by the seller....