August 2011
Aug 1-15, XXXIII Festival Internacional de Música de Camara (International Chamber Music Festival), San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. A classical music festival to bid farewell to the summer, featuring award-winning international ensembles, guest musicians and local artists performing in the city’s beautiful open gardens or grand gothic cathedral. Considered the top chamber music festival in...

June 2011
June 1- 4, 37th Festival de Jazz en la Escuela Superior de Música (Jazz Festival) del INBA , Coyoacan, D.F. Those with a love of jazz music should not miss the many concerts and talented jazz musicians performing at the National Art Center, completely free of charge! This festival will be dedicated to pay tribute...

November 2010
Nov 1-2, XVI Festival de Las Calaveras (Festival of the Skulls) Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes. This macabre festival features a variety of deadly art exhibits, performing arts and a parade of skeletons with contests for the most creative costumes and artwork. Skulls of different sizes and materials are on display as well as games and stands with...