Frente a Frente
The Mexican People in Independence and Revolution, 1810 & 1910
Feb 1- Mar 15, Frente a Frente, The Mexican People in Independence and Revolution, 1810 & 1910, Exhibition Hall, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. This exhibit features rare books, prints, photographs, and manuscripts from the Benson Latin American Collection, commemorating the bicentennial anniversary of Mexican Independence and the centennial of the Mexican Revolution....

New Money Commemorates 2010
Commemorating the centenary of the Revolution and the bicentennial of the Independence of Mexico there are new banknotes of 100 and 200 pesos. The Bank of Mexico Governor, Guillermo Ortiz, said that the new paper money will have the dual mission of serving as circulating money and collectors’ items. To reinforce the latter, he made...

A Brief History of Independence & Revolution
The Mexican Revolution of 1910, remains one of a kind in 100 years of social uprising and anti-colonial struggle… The year 2010, marks the 200-year anniversary of the beginning of Mexico’s fight for Independence from Spain and the 100-year anniversary of the beginning of the Mexican Revolution, making it a very big year to celebrate,...