Whale watching in Zihuatanejo
While visiting or living in Zihuatanejo, there are many reasons to go fishing, snorkeling or diving in the waters that surround Zihuatanejo-Ixtapa… During the months of November through April, you might just see one of nature’s largest mammals swimming along with you. If you frequent or have an ocean view of your own...

An “Inside Game” for Sustainable Waters
There is a “new frontier” in fly fishing, right here in Zihuatanejo. It has been here all along. I most certainly did not discover it, but have only just begun to discover its potential with fly rod and reel. Local pangeros (fishermen) have known of the abundant species of inshore game for many generations. Combining...

Zihuatanejo: Unbeatable for Bargain Fishing
Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo has already proven itself a world class fishing destination… We were ranked the No. 2 fishing destination in the world by the noted Saltwater Sportsman Magazine. But, how do we compare in affordability to other world class fishing destinations? With the current world economic situation, getting the most bang for your buck has to...