Owning Property In Mexico
Ley De Fideicomiso
http://youtu.be/lKGgxj4OZkk How many times have you heard, you can’t own property in Mexico, you can only get a long term lease! Real property ownership is not the same in Mexico article 27 of the Mexican constitution of 1917 decrees that no foreign person may be registered as the owner of any real property...

Enjoying Income from Rental Properties
http://youtu.be/UJUrtLMJByw Every day more and more foreigners from the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe, have found Mexico to be an ideal location for healthy retirement. Others have come to Mexico as a result of job transfers. Others still, taking advantage of electronic and wireless communications, seek out delightful areas in which to live and...

Closing Costs
in a Real Estate Transaction
Closing costs in Mexico are often a surprise for foreign buyers… Sometimes they feel the closing costs are too low, sometimes too high, but many times they are just confused why they were told one approximate by their attorney, a different one by their real estate agent, and a completely different one by the seller....

Private Contracts
...between Buy and Seller. When acquiring property in Mexico, are they really necessary?
¡A las palabras se las lleva el viento! Words are gone with the wind – Mexican saying When I meet with a client who has the idea of acquiring property in Mexico with a private contract between buyer and seller, my recommendation is always the following: 1. First, Obtain a copy of the registered title...