Title Insurance
The Essential Protection for Mexican Real Estate
Title insurance is available in Mexico. A title policy, issued in conformance with Mexican law, will protect the amount of the buyer’s investment. Canadian newspapers carried stories recently about the eviction of land owners in an area known as La Manzanilla, located on beautiful Tenacatita Bay, between Puerto Vallarta and Manzanillo on the west coast...

Capital Gains Tax
On the Sale of Your Vacation Home
Real estate investors always have a lot of questions about income tax on capital gains. Instead of writing an article giving a full explanation of how this tax is calculated, deducted, exempted and paid, I prefer to share with you the most frequently asked questions made by property owners and tax payers. What is the...

Living in a Rental Home in Mexico
...taking the big step by small measures!
Oftentimes it makes sense for newcomers to an area to rent a home prior to making a purchase. This provides an opportunity to explore, to learn the neighborhoods, and then begin to understand the personality of the city or town before making the leap to a purchase and a more permanent commitment. Everyday more and...

Property Taxes
On your vacation home
Just as in any other country, Mexico depends upon income from the annual tax on property to keep local governments functioning and provide important local services for the region… The good part is that the annual tax assessed on Mexican properties is often less than it might be for property in many other countries! And,...

Condominium Law in Guerrero
This article covers condominium law in Mexico, how a condominium legally works and what are the rights and obligations of owners. Governing rules The governing rules for condominiums are the Condominium Ownership Law No. 557 of the State of Guerrero (referred to here as the Law), and the Condominium Regime, which contains the individual condominium...

Terrenos Ganados al Mar
Land Gained to the Sea
The following information concerns all beach front lot owners: Recently the environmental authorities have partially released an official and general survey of all Federal Maritime Zones that border the coastal areas of this State. This official survey is only being carried out in the state of Guerrero. It describes the areas known as Terrenos Ganados...

2008 Tax Law Update
Flat Tax Law, law on cash deposits tax, and how to legally minimize your Income Tax payment on Capital Gains
Let’s say it once: It is not a matter of avoiding the pain for the pain is inevitable; it is a matter of choosing the consequences of pain. – Maurice Maeterlink, Belgian writer I. Flat Tax Law (IETU) On January 1, 2008, the Flat Tax Law 2008 (Ley del Impuesto Empresarial a Tasa Unica or...

Enjoying Income from Rental Properties
http://youtu.be/UJUrtLMJByw Every day more and more foreigners from the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe, have found Mexico to be an ideal location for healthy retirement. Others have come to Mexico as a result of job transfers. Others still, taking advantage of electronic and wireless communications, seek out delightful areas in which to live and...

Acquiring Ejido Land in Mexico
Is it Realistic and Reasonable?
Everyday more people are hearing about ejidos and are also getting more familiar with ejido processes and formalities. Actually, ejidos represent a very interesting topic for real estate and tourism business investors due to the fact that a considerable amount of land in Mexico belongs to ejidos and an important amount of these ejidos are...

Real Estate in Mexico
Guidelines for a Successful Acquisition
Mexico is a wonderful and very beautiful country. If you enjoy your visit you may begin to think about acquiring a bit of our paradise. We have mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, deserts and seashore in Mexico. We also have history, ancient cultures, handcrafts, folklore and many other things to share. Buying property in ANY country...

Closing Costs
in a Real Estate Transaction
Closing costs in Mexico are often a surprise for foreign buyers… Sometimes they feel the closing costs are too low, sometimes too high, but many times they are just confused why they were told one approximate by their attorney, a different one by their real estate agent, and a completely different one by the seller....
Income tax on gains from transfers of real estate
The new rate of Income Tax for 2007 will be 28 percent in accordance to prior amendments made to transitory articles of the Income Tax Law. During December 2006, certain additions and amendments to the Income Tax Law and its regulations respectively, were approved regarding Income Tax on the transfer of main residences. In the...