Enjoying Income from Rental Properties
http://youtu.be/UJUrtLMJByw Every day more and more foreigners from the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe, have found Mexico to be an ideal location for healthy retirement. Others have come to Mexico as a result of job transfers. Others still, taking advantage of electronic and wireless communications, seek out delightful areas in which to live and...

Acquiring Ejido Land in Mexico
Is it Realistic and Reasonable?
Everyday more people are hearing about ejidos and are also getting more familiar with ejido processes and formalities. Actually, ejidos represent a very interesting topic for real estate and tourism business investors due to the fact that a considerable amount of land in Mexico belongs to ejidos and an important amount of these ejidos are...

Real Estate in Mexico
Guidelines for a Successful Acquisition
Mexico is a wonderful and very beautiful country. If you enjoy your visit you may begin to think about acquiring a bit of our paradise. We have mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, deserts and seashore in Mexico. We also have history, ancient cultures, handcrafts, folklore and many other things to share. Buying property in ANY country...

Closing Costs
in a Real Estate Transaction
Closing costs in Mexico are often a surprise for foreign buyers… Sometimes they feel the closing costs are too low, sometimes too high, but many times they are just confused why they were told one approximate by their attorney, a different one by their real estate agent, and a completely different one by the seller....
Income tax on gains from transfers of real estate
The new rate of Income Tax for 2007 will be 28 percent in accordance to prior amendments made to transitory articles of the Income Tax Law. During December 2006, certain additions and amendments to the Income Tax Law and its regulations respectively, were approved regarding Income Tax on the transfer of main residences. In the...
Second Annual Resort Homes Conference
If you are interested in Mexico’s dynamic second homes market and want to combine business and pleasure, then save the date and make plans to attend the MINT Second Homes Conference and Expo on April 19-20, 2007 in Cancun, Mexico, which will be officially opened by Lic. Rodolfo Elizando Torres, Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism. TradEx,...

Preparing for Retirement – Life Insurace
When we sit down to plan our retirement, we often contemplate beautiful sceneries, times with our family, and perhaps even a new business or career. However, it is just as important to consider the risks associated with growing older, especially the biggest one: Death. Let’s face it. Life insurance can be a pretty depressing subject....
AMPI Joins Realtors® and Invades New Orleans
It was the largest invasion, including foreigners since the French troops arrived in 1815 for the Battle of New Orleans. A big difference, this group was here to “help rebuild New Orleans.” The Conference set attendance records with over 25,000 Realtors® attending. This resulted from a year long campaign by NAR. Fifty countries were represented...

Notary Public vs. Notario Publico
Throughout my professional practice I have noted several times that foreign clients—especially those who come from a country with a “Common Law” legal system, such as the United States—believe that Mexican notaries are very expensive, in comparison with a U.S. notary’s fee. There is a very good reason for this. Although notaries in both countries...
Preparing for Retirement
In my experience assisting individuals and families in their retirement planing, I found that my clients are very enthusiastic to discuss the “sexy” side of finance and “hip” investments decisions that have turned to rags or riches. However, when probed about current savings in, let’s say, an employer sponsored tax deferred retirement savings plan, few...
The Federal Zone – Maritime Terrain Federal Zone Concessions
What is it? What are my rights and obligations? How can I get it; and what are my benefits? “En el mar la vida es mas sabrosa” / “Life is better at the beach” 1. What is a Federal Zone? The Maritime Terrain Federal Zone, commonly known as the “Federal Zone,” is considered as: a....