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Book transporters needed!
Word share with the children of Zihuatanejo, from Sister City Collingwood, Canada The Collingwood-Zihuatanejo sister city committee has been in existence since 2004, bridging the communities of Collingwood, Canada, and Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico, through cultural exchange and philanthropic projects. This year’s project will provide English language books and English language books on CD’s to Casa de...

Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo Peace Festival, November 14-17 2011
On November 14-17 2011, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo will host “Festival de La Paz” (peace in Spanish) to re-dedicate and celebrate its commitment to work towards peace and to recognize the many international groups and organizations that participated in peace-building activities with the community over the past year. The Peace Festival will be celebrated in November rather...

Kayak race celebrates Barra de Potosi, Oct 23
Announcing Regata Salva Barra, 23 October 2011 The community of Barra de Potosi (Petalan, GRO) announces that it will be hosting a paddling regatta on Sunday October 23, 2011 in Laguna Potosi. The featured races will be a 1000 meter kayak sprint that will be held at 11 am on Sunday and a 4000 meter...

Zihua Guitar Festival Opens Submissions for 2012
Submissions now open for the Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival. Now in its 9th year, ZIGF 2012 will be held March 4 – 10, 2012, in beautiful Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Submissions officially opened September 1, 2011, and will run through December 1, 2011. The Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival is GUITAR Festival for GUITARISTS only, full bands...

Changes in Mexican Migratory Law, part two
This is part two of my series on the new Mexican Migratory Law; it deals with the classification of TEMPORARY RESIDENT. The previous article dealt with the classification of VISITOR as explained in the first part of Article 52 of the new Mexican Migratory Law and the following article will deal with the classification of...

Europeans visit in record numbers, everyone feels fine
Visited Mexico recently? What are your thoughts, did you feel unsafe at any point in your vacation?

Mexico’s Economy is Strong, says central bank
Augustin Carstens, the Governor of the Central Bank of Mexico (Banxico) said last week that the country has the elements necessary to face the problems generated by the U.S. debt and the Euro zone nations. In a media conference, Carstens said that the accumulation of international reserves, low interest rates and fiscal consolidation are some...

New Changes to Mexican Immigration Law
On May 25th, 2011, Mexico published its new migratory law (Ley de Migración) in response to glaring human rights violations, but as well as the human rights protections, the new law also includes some changes that affect expat foreigners. This is part one of a series of articles explaining the changes in the new migratory...

German Consulate for Guerrero
Moves from Acapulco to Zihuatanejo
In a move that has been in the making since 2008, the German consulate for Guerrero has been relocated from Acapulco to Zihuatanejo. The change took effect Monday, May 9, 2011. The consulate office is now located inside hotel La Quinta Troppo, on the road to Playa La Ropa in Zihuatanejo. Long time Zihuatanejo resident and...

Animal Protection Society Hosts Sterilization Campaign
Another successful event for the hardworking society
“The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” – Mahatma Gandhi The Society for the Protection of Animals of Zihuatanejo “Helen Krebs Posse” A.C., has concluded it’s May 16-20, 2011 Campaign of Free Animal Sterilizations with the following statistics: 95 Female dogs ...

A New
April 2011 Letter from the Publisher
April is traditionally the end around here, the end of the high season, the end of the ADIP print season, but this year April is just the beginning. April finds us inaugurating a completely new website, a completely new way of publishing and a completely new platform for all the wonderful content about Mexico you...