Underwater Photo Contest
Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo’s first Underwater Photo Contest took place July 28-29, 2012. Over 50 underwater photographers participated in the contest, including international contestants from Germany and the United States. Among them were twenty scuba divers who took photos at Zacatoso reef and Ixtapa Island and a group of snorkelers who took photos while snorkeling around Ixtapa Island. ...

Whale watching in Zihuatanejo
While visiting or living in Zihuatanejo, there are many reasons to go fishing, snorkeling or diving in the waters that surround Zihuatanejo-Ixtapa… During the months of November through April, you might just see one of nature’s largest mammals swimming along with you. If you frequent or have an ocean view of your own...

Estero Del Yugo
Mazatlan's First Class Bird Watching
Mexico is a premium destination for birders, and guided trips are popular across the country. Less well known is that great birding exists in resort locations as well… Mazatlan, about nine hundred miles south of the United States, is one of Mexico’s favored year-round destinations for American tourists. This jewel of the Pacific...

The Boojum Trees of Mexico’s Baja California
Strange Endemic Plants Cover 250 Miles of Mexico's Baja Peninsula
Boojum trees are one of many reasons for tourists to visit the eight-hundred mile long peninsula below California, site of Mexico’s two most western states. The Boojum (Fouquieria columnaris) was named in 1922 by a botanical explorer from Tucson, Godfrey Sykes, who adopted the name from a Lewis Carroll’s fictional character in The Hunting of...

Tour Mexico’s Monarch Butterfly Preserve
Michoacán El Rosario Mountain Sanctuary is a Magical Experience… The present Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve was established in 2000, and consists of more than 138,000 acres of high mountain area along the border between the states of Michoacán and Mexico. More than 150 million Monarch butterflies from North America winter in this area, which can...

Butterflies of the Zihuatanejo Area
Until recently, only fifty-nine species of butterflies had been formally cataloged by naturalists working in the Zihuatanejo area early in the twentieth century, but thanks to an ambitious college thesis project by Mexico City biology major Ana Luisa Figueroa, that number is up to 155 and still climbing. Figueroa began her work at El Refugio...
Viva la Bahia! Zihuatanejo celebrates its Bay
(One year ago) Representatives of more than 20 civil organizations got together to form the Movement for the Rescue and Preservation of the Bay of Zihuatanejo.” It was an absolutely gorgeous Sunday morning, that 29th of October, when 30 enthusiastic swimmers ranging from age 4 to 54 and one excited Golden Labrador jumped into...