Wine and Cheese
Breaking with tradition
The theme of an eternal discussion among sommeliers, the pairing of wine and cheese is without a doubt the most difficult. This despite the fact that both are a result of the blending of yeast and bacteria. A good cheese can better a low quality wine or a powerful cheese can devastate a fine wine....

The Cuisine of Eastern Mexico
The cuisine of Eastern Mexico – encompassing the states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Veracruz – is a blend of the norteña traditions of its northern neighbors with the sophisticated cuisines of central Mexico. The cultural features of a region are usually very heavily dependent on the forces of nature and the unique ecosystem...

Fruit from the Garden
Fruit is a reminder of the garden of Eden, when everything nice to eat was there for the taking and all meals were alfresco picnics. When a plant fruits, it broadcasts chemical signals, wantonly crying out to be eaten. This is a reproductive goal, ensuring that the plant’s seed is spread. Sexy stuff. And even...

Cuisine of Western Mexico
Colima, Nayarit, Jalisco, Guerrero, Michoacan, Oaxaca Predictably, the mainstay of the regional cuisine is fish and seafood that is to be had in abundance from the pacific. In addition, the usual Mexican staples of frijoles or beans, corn tortillas, tamales, various fresh, dried or smoked chilies, and poultry and meat are the other staples of...

Central Mexican Cuisine
Durango, San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, Queretaro, Mexico, Hidalgo and Puebla Corn and its byproducts, along with fresh, dried and smoked chilies of various kinds dominate the cuisines of the central Mexican states. There is also a strong baking tradition that can be traced back to the Spanish as well as to the brief French...

The Hidden Treasures of Zihuatlan – Café Zihuatlan
Café Zihuatlan – Zihuatanejo’s award-winning organic coffee. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But Juanita is furious. Someone in town is trying to take advantage of the recent popularity of Juanita’s certified organic coffee and has the nerve to copy not only her packaging but also her registered trademark, “Café Zihuatlan,”...

Gastronomia Nortena
Cuisine of Northern Mexico – States of Chihuahua, Baja California, Sonora and Sinaloa Thinking of northern Mexico conjures up images of the wild west – of cowboys and charros, duels being fought over pretty señoritas, Hollywood westerns, as also of carne asada, flour tortillas, ranchos and musica norteña. On the darker side, the region is...

Mexican Cuisine: Over Five Centuries in the Making
Mexican cuisine is one of the best known and loved the world over, and for a reason, its flavors, sometimes robust and varied and sometimes mild and subtle, always have a haunting, mysterious quality that hints at the range of spices, herbs and condiments that it uses. Mexican food can be delightfully different from the...
La Sombra del Sabino Bookstore & Cafe hosts Diana Kennedy
Oprah’s best efforts notwithstanding, books have taken a serious hit at the hands of competing media. It’s easier to watch a movie, listen to a CD or turn on cable than it is to read a book, and unfortunately, most people do prefer easy. Additionally, buying books in México can be an expensive undertaking, assuming...

Traditional Mexican cooking, El Molcajete
So you want real traditional Mexican Cooking? This is the first of a series of articles that will have you ready to do it. In writing these items about Mexican cooking, I have to give all of the credit of the information and “how to” to Rebecca Ambriz. For my part, I just enjoy her...
The Taste of Mexico – Cuisines of Mexico
Regional cuisine is born out of the limitation of supplies, out of the absence rather than the abundance of products. The Cuisine of Imagination encompasses the State of Mexico, Mexico City and Morelos Four days after arriving in Mexico City, Hernan Cortes and a group of his captains decided to visit the city. The...
The Taste of Mexico – Mole
“…Mole Poblano, probably Mexico´s most popular mole, was developed by nuns during the 17th Century.” Mole is prepared in such different ways that a whole encyclopaedia could be written about it. Mole includes highly refined Pre-hispanic tradition, European ways of cooking, peasant wisdom, convent dedication, indigenous herbs and products from the Far East. Mole was...