The Bookstores of Donceles Street, Mexico City
Step into any one of the dozen or so bookstores on Donceles Street in Mexico City´s historic center and you might find yourself in a predicament similar to the following: Do you stick to the game plan, zeroing in on that novel about the Mexican Revolution that you haven’t been able to find anywhere else,...

Desserts in the Latin American Tradition
Excerpts from the book , by Joseluis Flores, with Laura Zimmerman Maye: Cajeta Cajeta is a goat’s milk caramel similar to dulce de leche (cow’s milk-caramel originally from Argentina) or manjar blanco (what they call dulce de leche in Peru). In Mexico, it is traditionally sold in small, thin wooden boxes, or cajas, on the...
Review, Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide
Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide By Tracy Novinger Do you often find yourself frustrated or confused in your business or social interactions in Mexico? Do you feel like your simple, reasonable or logical requests are often met with incomprehension, disdain or indifference? Do you sometimes find yourself in situations that are inexplicable, flabbergasting or...

The Bookstores of Donceles Street, Mexico City
Step into any one of the dozen or so bookstores on Donceles Street in Mexico City´s historic center and you might find yourself in a predicament similar to the following: Do you stick to the game plan, zeroing in on that novel about the Mexican Revolution that you haven’t been able to find anywhere else,...
La Sombra del Sabino Bookstore & Cafe hosts Diana Kennedy
Oprah’s best efforts notwithstanding, books have taken a serious hit at the hands of competing media. It’s easier to watch a movie, listen to a CD or turn on cable than it is to read a book, and unfortunately, most people do prefer easy. Additionally, buying books in México can be an expensive undertaking, assuming...

Michener’s Mexico
Mexico By James A. Michener, 672 pages, Fawcett, 1994
James A. Michener’s Mexico is 672 pages of historical fiction that takes the rich and varied history of Mexico, its people and places, throws them all together in a bag, shakes them up and dumps them out like puzzle pieces all across the country. If you know very little of Mexican history or have visited...
Beach Reading – Kinky Friedman Frequent Flyer
A one time country western singer now private investigator, Kinky lives a colorful life.” Frequent Flyer by Kinky Friedman I’m wondering how many books you have to read by the same author before you can call yourself a fan. I’m on my 3rd Kinky Friedman and its feeling like a relationship. I’m feeling all attached,...
Beach Reading – Cruising Paradise
“Mr. Shepard, tackles the recklessness of relationships and the minute memories we all have that seem to define our past.” Cruising Paradise: Tales by Sam Shepard Remember Dolly Parton’s husband in the movie Steel Magnolias? Well, that quiet grumbling cowboy was Sam Shepard. He has appeared in bit parts in movies such as The Right...
Beach Reading – The Rum Diary
“This is the Thompson who still read Hemingway, who was still enchanted with palm tree paradises and seedy gentlemen in linen suits sipping gin on shady porches.” The Rum Diary Hunter S. Thompson When the rum drinking starts before noon, you rarely make it through the night. Or so goes the tale of Hunter...
Beach Reading – Feeding Frenzy
“With beautiful scenery, colorful characters and a wealth of regional anecdotes, this is travel writing at its most entertaining.” Feeding Frenzy : Across Europe in Search of the Perfect Meal by Stuart Stevens Forbes calls it, “The ultimate foodie road trip,” and that’s exactly what it is. Friends, Stuart and Rat are obsessed with fine dining...
Beach Reading – Dead Lagoon
“This is a murder mystery covered in delicious Venetian icing.” Dead Lagoon by Michael Dibdin “When the man in white appeared, blocking his path, Giancomo felt a brief surge of relief at the thought that he was no longer alone. Then he remembered where he was, and terror rose in his throat like vomit. He forced himself...
Beach Reading
White Noise by Don DeLillo I’m just getting into the moderns, so you’ll have to bear with me. And by moderns, I mean anything after 1901. Yes, I am the product of a classical education, where modern writers were all thought to be on drugs and destroying the English language. But seeing how no one really...