Underwater Photo Contest
Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo’s first Underwater Photo Contest took place July 28-29, 2012. Over 50 underwater photographers participated in the contest, including international contestants from Germany and the United States. Among them were twenty scuba divers who took photos at Zacatoso reef and Ixtapa Island and a group of snorkelers who took photos while snorkeling around Ixtapa Island. ...

The Palms of Paradise
They are the standard of vacation, the flags of beachy climes. Their shape makes them one of the most easily identified plants in the world. Palms belong to the Arecacea (Palmae) family, order Arecales. There are more than two thousand species, most of which are native to tropical and subtropical climates. The widely recognized growth...

The Romance of a Mexican Garden
The nightlife of a garden: tropical plants rustling, nocturnal creatures calling outside the walls. Candlelight patterns the walls and shines on glasses clinking, on laughing smiles. A fountain musics the dark against the sound of waves on sand far down in the moonlight bay. There is a romance in outdoor spaces where the nights stay...
Sea Turtles of Mexico
Sea Turtles are air breathing marine reptiles that have existed in our oceans for over 150 million years, since the age of the dinosaurs. It has only been in the last 100 years that their numbers have plunged. Of the estimated 100s of sea turtle species that once lived, only eight remain. Of the world’s eight remaining sea turtle species, seven...