Letter from the editor February 2010
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise! It’s February and the season is in full swing. The streets are bustling and dotted with visitors escaping from the cold cold north. Zihuatanejo draws a very loyal crowd who return every year about this time, when the snow is high and the sunny climes of Mexico are...

Letter from the editor January 2010
Welcome to another day in paradise! It`s a whole new year and that always gets me philosophical: Where have we come from, where are we going…what have I done? 2010 is a very exciting year, one we have been eagerly awaiting for oh so long. it’s a good round number, has strong cultural significance, and well...

Letter from the Editor December 2009
Welcome to another day in paradise! It`s December and as always this time of year, things are really speeding up around here: parties, events, and a lot more visitors. (Some days you might feel like a tree frog in a tempest —you really need to grip with your toes to keep from being swept away.)...

Letter from the Editor – November 2009
Welcome back to another day in paradise! Hope you had a lovely summer, ours was very productive. ADIP took the summer off from printing and we used our time to rebuild the website, to add a staggering array of new interactive features and upgrade our digital magazine. Check out www.adip.info for ten years of magazine...

Letter from the Editor – March 2009
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise It’s March 2009 and we have reached another milestone: Our 60th edition and the end of our 10th season publishing in paradise. Looking back at issue number 1, October 1999, eight black and white pages of bond paper—we are tempted to notice only the differences. Issue 60 is...

Letter from the Editor – January 2009
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. You will find no gloom nor doom here. Change, progress, evolution (upheaval, chaos, crisis … depending on your viewpoint) its what’s on everybody’s mind lately…here, there and everywhere. A recent drive around Zihuatanejo bay with friends inspired a conversation about the view from the road, and how...

Letter from the Editor – November 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. They say we are living in exponential times and that’s true in ecology as well as technology, in the natural world as well as in the virtual world. But it’s the virtual world, the digital world, that’s really got my head spinning lately. The digital world (the one through...

Letter from the Editor – April 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise and welcome to our first ever Eco issue. Everyone is going green, it seems protecting the environment has finally caught on. Two summers ago in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, I attended a series of seminars in Houston, Texas, on global warming and especially its effects on water,...

Letter from the Editor – March 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Around here, we tend to shamelessly gush, exude, ooze optimism and positivity about our little piece of paradise. We go on and on, and really it’s not all pep talks and daily affirmations a la Stuart Smalley: I am smart enough, I am good enough, and gosh darn...

Letter from the Editor – February 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Panache: flamboyant confidence of style or manner; a tuft or plume of feathers, especially as a headdress or on a helmet. Parade: a public procession; a boastful or ostentatious display. Paradise: heaven, the ultimate reward of the righteous; an ideal or idyllic place or state; the elusive goal of...

Letter from the Editor – January 2008
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. It is officially the year two thousand and eight – hard to believe! They say this year will be full of big change. They are predicting catastrophic celebrity break-ups, unpredictable climate fluctuation, political, financial, and spiritual discontent, north, south, east and west of us…and oh yeah, the...

Letter from the Editor – December 2007
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Optimism, is it a decision, a delusion, or a force of nature? When the mirage that shimmers just out of reach, that unique special thing that you want above all, one day all-of-a-sudden, careens sharply into focus and within your grasp…it makes you...