Animal Protection Society Hosts Sterilization Campaign
Another successful event for the hardworking society
“The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” – Mahatma Gandhi The Society for the Protection of Animals of Zihuatanejo “Helen Krebs Posse” A.C., has concluded it’s May 16-20, 2011 Campaign of Free Animal Sterilizations with the following statistics: 95 Female dogs ...

Butterflies of the Zihuatanejo Area
Until recently, only fifty-nine species of butterflies had been formally cataloged by naturalists working in the Zihuatanejo area early in the twentieth century, but thanks to an ambitious college thesis project by Mexico City biology major Ana Luisa Figueroa, that number is up to 155 and still climbing. Figueroa began her work at El Refugio...

Holiday Projects
Zihuatanejo Toy Drives and Baby Bundles
Captain’s Daughter Christmas Project Initiated by Zihua business owners Tanya and Kenneth Jones, the project was set up to collect new and used, non-battery operated toys and to distribute them within economically disadvantaged communities and schools. In 2008 about 120 children received toys and gifts in Colonia El Embalse. Last year 130 children received gifts at...

Netza School
The Rocky Hill Story
Visiting U.S. Teachers at The Netza School Learn, Share & Receive Lasting Impressions of Zihuatanejo & Its People… “What people lack in material wealth, the make up for in emotional wealth. I soon learned that people were very generous and deeply caring,” was one poignant observation of teacher-in-training Stephanie Bourquin of Colorado. Stephanie was one...

Hablando Menos, Amando Mas
Cycling for Change
Hablando Menos, Amando Mas A.C. (speaking less, loving more) is a non-profit association that was created after members of the community found that there were limited resources here or in neighboring states for seniors in need of special care or even just housing, and decided something needed to be done. HMAM already has 1,000 square...
Viva la Bahia! Zihuatanejo celebrates its Bay
(One year ago) Representatives of more than 20 civil organizations got together to form the Movement for the Rescue and Preservation of the Bay of Zihuatanejo.” It was an absolutely gorgeous Sunday morning, that 29th of October, when 30 enthusiastic swimmers ranging from age 4 to 54 and one excited Golden Labrador jumped into...
Niños Adelante – Children Forward
“Even the smallest thought counts. Boxes of pencils, pens, colors, old school books…everything is put to good use.” Sunday March 12th, Kate and Andrew, the owners of Nirvana Sailing Tours and their friends John and Yvette (Speedy) hosted a fund-raiser for Niños Adelante. People came costumed in their Age of Aquarius costumes and danced and...
Meet the Sanka – Anna Chimalpopoca
Sanka is a short colloquial word in Spanish that means a crutch. It is widely used here in the Zihuatanejo area for a term of friendly endearment. This new section serves to introduce you to the Sankas living here who are not only colorful characters, but beloved residents. I was first fascinated with the woman...