Music to Build a School
During Zihuatanejo’s languid, steamy, summer months, after the tourists and snowbirds have flown north, Zihua’s musicians finally have time to take a deep breath and relax. That doesn’t mean that they stop playing however. The hottest live-music venue in town simply shifts to Ed Litchfield’s house in El Hujal. Several Saturdays each month, with a...

Tails of the City
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed.”-Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “The Little Prince” Ninety thousand. All of us blink incredulously at the implications of this mind-boggling number, but this is what we came up with in our relatively conservative calculations. One hundred female cats could theoretically produce 90,000 offspring in only three years. 90,000...
Zihuatanejo’s Private Animal Shelter on the Move
This unique collection is the creation of Richard and Rebeca Payne who began “collecting and rescuing abandoned stray animals” 20 years ago. The majority of those “had been sick, brutalized, shot, mistreated and traumatized by their previous callous owners,” said Rebecca. Many are also in danger of extinction and are on the Mexican government list...

A New Community Center at Boca Lagunillas
Boca Lagunillas, located some 40 kilometers northwest of Zihuatanejo, is a small, dusty, one street poor village of approximately 150 souls, whose living is derived from basic agriculture: the raising of pigs, cattle, corn, mangoes, coconuts, sorghum (for the animals); and small family-size plots of chiles, tomatoes and vegetables grown for individual needs. Children tend...

Toward a Brighter Future – Por los niños
The 170 impoverished students at the Nueva Creación primary school still attend classes in wood and tarpaper shacks perched on a dangerous cliff face, but their future is beginning to brighten. Ground has been broken for a safe new school on 5,000 square meters of land donated, and cleared, by the city of Zihuatanejo. The...
Sailfest 2007
For the sixth consecutive year, Zihuatanejo will be host of the annual SailFest Regatta, an event whereby sailors (cruisers), locals and tourists participate in a fun-filled week of races, raffles, auctions and sailing-related activities designed to benefit the city’s poorest schools. The fun begins January 31st at Rick’s Bar on Cuauhtemoc Street, home of the...
Z-Scene – January 2001
Took my friends, SANDRA and JAY MESENGER of Colorado to see the “fab-ienda” being built by TONY and CLAIRE PIAZZA of the TRISTAR. Tony was nice enough to give us a tour and Jetsales magnate Jay, whose mother is columnist MAXINE MESENGER of the Houston Chronicle, was so impressed that he asked Real Estate Agent...
Fan Mail
Greetings from Minnesota, Thanks for putting out your 2000 edition. Keep up the informative articles. Glad to see you are up and running after the summer. I have been to Zihua since reading your paper(s). The info you had helped me a lot….I plan to return!! I appreciate all your efforts…. P from Seattle...
Centro Educacional Para Proteccion de las Animales
“Rebeca’s hope is one day to have a park and animal sanctuary where families can come children and learn about the animals of Mexico.” There is never a dull moment at the Centro Educacional Para Protección de las Animales, a non profit animal sanctuary for abandoned and injured animals in Zihuatanejo, run by Rebeca and Richard...
On Leaving Paradise…
“The market here in Zihuatanejo had become for me, very common. The smells and the arrangement went unnoticed.” Two years is a long time to spend away from home. Home being your home country, your native language, your native customs, and your own bed. But I have been in paradise for roughly two years, and the time...
Noteworthy News for the gringos at large
“For those of you don’t know, CANACO, the Zihua Chamber of Commerce puts out a free telephone book of all their member businesses…” Results are in from the county fair held here in Zihuatanejo Jan. 26th-Feb. 6th. 120,000 people came, up from 86,000 just 2 years ago. With rides, games, food, live music and much...
Obituary – Paul Miller
Paul Miller, 44, passed away Thursday February 3rd in an automobile accident near Mexico City. Paul, affectionately known here in Zihuatanejo as “Texas Paul” is survived by his loving wife Lola, his mother and 6 brothers and sisters. Paul’s generosity and great smile will be missed greatly but not forgotten. Drink one for Paul.