Weaving Diversity: Textiles from Oaxaca
Oaxaca: Matsers of Folk Art
Mar 1- 19, Weaving Diversity: Textiles from Oaxaca, Mexican Cultural Institute, 2829 16th Street, NW Washington D.C. The Mexican Cultural Institute gallery spaces are showing an extraordinary exhibition of textiles from the Textile Museum of Oaxaca. Representing three important collections from the Textile Museum of Oaxaca, the elaborate pieces on display will showcase historical indigenous...

February 2011
Feb 1-6, Zihua Sailfest 2010 ,Zihuatanejo, Gro. This will be the 10th year of Sailfest which started because the boaters, stopping in Zihua on their way south, wanted to help the children and schools in the area. It has become an annual event where the boaters, joined by the local people and merchants, join in a...

Frente a Frente
The Mexican People in Independence and Revolution, 1810 & 1910
Feb 1- Mar 15, Frente a Frente, The Mexican People in Independence and Revolution, 1810 & 1910, Exhibition Hall, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. This exhibit features rare books, prints, photographs, and manuscripts from the Benson Latin American Collection, commemorating the bicentennial anniversary of Mexican Independence and the centennial of the Mexican Revolution....

January 2011
Jan-Mar, Whale watching, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. One secret that the waters off the beach have to offer during winter months is the great whale-watching during their annual migration. In December and early January many of the fishing and sailing boats have already spotted great packs of dolphins, pods of whales with calves and quite a few sea...

Obsidian Mirror-Travels
Refracting Ancient Mexican Art and Archaeology
Jan 1- Mar 27, Obsidian Mirror-Travels: Refracting Ancient Mexican Art and Archaeology, Getty Research Institute Exhibition Gallery, Los Angeles, Ca. From the first moments of contact, Mexico’s indigenous civilizations evoked in their European conquerors an array of unsettling emotions ranging from fascination to fear. Eradicating populations, destroying monuments, suppressing native religions, and collecting and classifying...

December 2010
Dec TBA, Rucco Surfer Reunion 2010, Ixtapa. The annual Rucco reunion is a three day event focused on surf and fun at Playa Linda. There will be teams of surfers, all 40 years or older, from Mexico, Texas, California, Florida, and more! Also there will be good food, beverages, music, and more. For more info,...

Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico
Dec 1, 2010–Jan 9, 2011, Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. This is the first West Coast presentation of massive works and small-scale sculptures produced by Mexico’s earliest civilization, which began around 1400 BC and was centered in the Gulf Coast states...

Shattered Glass
Rethinking the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil Collection
Dec 1- 18, Shattered Glass: Rethinking the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil Collection, Americas Society, 680 Park Avenue, New York, NY. Through the study of contemporary art and Mexican high modernist masterpieces in the collection of the Carrillo Gil Museum of Art, the curatorial team reexamines the artworks in a new context relating to the...

Siqueiros Paisajista
Landscapes by David Alfaro Siqueiros
Dec 1, 2010 – Jan 30, 2011, Siqueiros Paisajista/ Siqueiros: Landscape Painter, Museum of Latin American Art, 628 Alamitos Avenue, Long Beach, CA. The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) is proud to join the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (MACG), Mexico City, in presenting Siqueiros Paisajista / Siqueiros: Landscape Painter. This exhibition reveals...

November 2010
Nov 1-2, XVI Festival de Las Calaveras (Festival of the Skulls) Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes. This macabre festival features a variety of deadly art exhibits, performing arts and a parade of skeletons with contests for the most creative costumes and artwork. Skulls of different sizes and materials are on display as well as games and stands with...

Siqueiros in Los Angeles
Censorship Defied
Nov 2010–Jan 2011, Siqueiros in Los Angeles: Censorship Defied, The Autry National Center of the American West, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, Ca. Mexican artist David Alfaro Siqueiros was one of the greatest muralists of the twentieth century. Revolutionary in technique, content, and social comment, his work established Los Angeles as a key center...

Holiday Projects
Zihuatanejo Toy Drives and Baby Bundles
Captain’s Daughter Christmas Project Initiated by Zihua business owners Tanya and Kenneth Jones, the project was set up to collect new and used, non-battery operated toys and to distribute them within economically disadvantaged communities and schools. In 2008 about 120 children received toys and gifts in Colonia El Embalse. Last year 130 children received gifts at...