Long Legs on the Beach
Ok, so I may have conned you into reading this with that title…but this is just another article about birding in Zihuatanejo. Most of those long legs belong to a group of egrets and herons, easily found in the canal at Playa Madera, which empties onto the beach, so I’m not too far off. I...

Birding 101 – Birding in Paradise
A neighbor asked me the other day, “How did you get started looking at birds?” I have no idea. Growing up in an apartment in Chicago, we knew what pigeons were, we knew that robins arrived in the spring and they ate worms and that there were sparrows. That’s all I can remember. I moved...
Day Trips – Bird Watching at Playa Larga
Keep an eye out to the right for the vultures that may spiral up on the sun’s new thermals.” I have never birded in town or in Ixtapa but I do have a very nice day trip to another beach, Playa Larga, to see a dozen and a half different birds. To get there,...
Bird watching in Zihuatanejo
“The birds are tourists themselves, they breed in the wetlands in the Northwest US and Canada.” I have been watching the birds here in the winter off and on for the past three years and I’d like to share with you what I have seen. We stay up the hill on the La Ropa road...
Remember Bob?
A short article appeared about Bob (Or boB if you spell his name backwards), Zihuatanejo’s real one-winged pelican, in the December issue of Another Day in Paradise. Since then, we haven’t seen nor heard anything of him! Maybe that’s because everyone’s been looking for him in the wrong places… Fortunately, though, the situation could be...
Animal Updates
No one has any Bob sightings. Where’s Bob? Did we curse him? Is he in hiding, retreating from the spotlight? Did he take off to visit some cousin in Acapulco? No one’s seen him and we’re getting a little worried, so any Bob sightings please let us know. (Bob-the one winged pelican that is, not...
The Sparrows of Zihuatanejo
I live on Nicolas Bravo, right up from the Cine Paraiso. My balcony looks out over the mountains around our little town. It is here, on my balcony, that I can witness one strange phenomenon of nature. From November through April, every year, at precisely 6:30 everyday of the week, a flock of sparrows congregates...