Mexico Real Estate Market Mid-Year Wrap Up
David Pullen in Puerto Vallarta, Martin Posch in Los Cabos, and Bob Findlay in Manzanillo, have sent brief reports on the latest in their markets. From David Pullen of PV Realty, Puerto Vallarta: The Puerto Vallarta market has been through three difficult years and we are starting to see signs of improvement with increased...
Mexico Elects A New President and Changes Parties
The Mexican electorate has voted to bring back the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) after twelve years of government by PAN. In elections held July 1, Enrique Peña Nieto, the PRI’s candidate garnered 39.19% of the popular vote. Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador of the PRD party was second with 32.40% of the vote, followed by...
President Calderon Declares G-20 A Success
The G-20, (the Group of Twenty), is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 major economies: 19 countries plus the European Union. The G-20 was proposed by former Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin as a forum for cooperation and consultation on matters pertaining to the international financial system. The first Summit was held in...
REALTORS® Rally in Washington, D.C.
Each year, the National Association of Realtors® presents two meetings for its members and REALTORS® from around the world. The May meeting is known as the Mid Year Meeting and the one in November is known as the REALTORS® Conference and Expo. Attendance at that meeting is usually about 22,000 with the midyeardrawing about 10,000....

Real Estate in the NAFTA Countries
Each of the three NAFTA countries has a strong real estate association. This helps buyers and sellers be assured of solid, safe, legal transactions. The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) is the body governing the industry in Canada. It also owns the trade mark for MLS (Multiple Listing Service) in Canada. In November of...
Mexico Pushes Back Against Texas and U.S. Travel Alerts
We are off to a slow start this year in the Tourism and Real Estate Sectors. Mexico, in large part due to industrial activity, is riding out the global economic crisis. The real estate market in the tourist zone remains soft, but there are some a few bright spots and REALTORS® are entering the year...
Mexican economy faring well
Mexican Housing Industry Predicted to Remain Stable Ariel Cano Cuevas is the Director General of Vivienda, Mexico’s national housing agency. He delivered the key note speech at the recent Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) Toma de Protesta (Inauguration) in Mexico City. During the presentation he announced new initiatives for two social housing agencies,...
AMPI news April/May
AMPI and NAR Renew Working Agreement The Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) and the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) have renewed their working relationship and affiliation. Below are some of the key points outlined in the agreement: · AMPI will prepare a marketing program and will encourage its members to become members...
AMPI and NAR Renew Working Agreement
The Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) and the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) have renewed their working relationship and affiliation. Below are some of the key points outlined in the agreement: AMPI will prepare a marketing program and will encourage its members to become members of NAR’s InternationalSection. NAR will promote AMPI international...
More optimism about Mexico’s economy
Despite the global slowdown, multinational CEOs are generally upbeat on Latin America‘s business outlook this year, according to a Latin Business Chronicle survey. Nissan, the Japanese auto manufacturer, will invest more than 1.9 billion dollars in the construction of a new car plant in Aguascalientes. This could be the most important foreign direct investment (FDI)...

Mexican Housing Industry Predicted to Remain Stable
Ariel Cano Cuevas is the Director General ofVivienda,Mexico’s national housing agency. He delivered the key note speech at the recent Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) Toma de Protesta (Innauguration) inMexico City. During the presentation he announced new initiatives for two social housing agencies, INFONAVIT and FOVISSTE. He concluded his remarks by predicting the...

Morelia, City of Light
Latin America’s Illuminated City Gets More Lights
Morelia is more than the political capital of Michoacan, it is also the cultural center. In 2003, the city embarked on an activity, ”Plan Luz.” Buildings and historical monuments are lit up at night. The architecture is a true sixteenth century jewel. In 2010, Morelia was named, “Latin America’s Illuminated City,” by the organization, Lighting...