Special Report – Fintastic’s Second Annual Total Tag & Release Billfish
Tournament Opening Day Report Zihuatanejo-Rolex-IGFA Invitational Tournament of Champions Qualifying event, Fintastic’s Tag & Release Billfish Tournament, kicked off this morning in the shining Pacific Coast waters of Zihuatanejo, Mexico amid great expectations. Over 40 international contestants, amateurs and professionals alike, in fourteen teams are competing for cash and prizes and the coveted invitation to...

Volume 2 – Issue 8 October 2000
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Ixtapa – Zihuatanejo’s first and only English language magazine for expatriates and visitors alike. We hope you enjoy our informative and entertaining publication and welcome any feedback or contributions. This is the first issue of our second season. Sea Turtles of Mexico Sea Turtles are air breathing marine reptiles...
Sea Turtles of Mexico
Sea Turtles are air breathing marine reptiles that have existed in our oceans for over 150 million years, since the age of the dinosaurs. It has only been in the last 100 years that their numbers have plunged. Of the estimated 100s of sea turtle species that once lived, only eight remain. Of the world’s eight remaining sea turtle species, seven...
Taking the short bus to Ixtapa
There are a large number of Taxis in Zihuatanejo and Ixtapa that will take you just about anywhere you want to go at a pretty reasonable rate (20 pesos for anywhere in Zihua, 35 from Centro to La Ropa or 50-55 to Ixtapa depending on the time of day). But if you want something a little more interesting and economical, take...
Beach Reading – The Rum Diary
“This is the Thompson who still read Hemingway, who was still enchanted with palm tree paradises and seedy gentlemen in linen suits sipping gin on shady porches.” The Rum Diary Hunter S. Thompson When the rum drinking starts before noon, you rarely make it through the night. Or so goes the tale of Hunter...
Beach Reading – Feeding Frenzy
“With beautiful scenery, colorful characters and a wealth of regional anecdotes, this is travel writing at its most entertaining.” Feeding Frenzy : Across Europe in Search of the Perfect Meal by Stuart Stevens Forbes calls it, “The ultimate foodie road trip,” and that’s exactly what it is. Friends, Stuart and Rat are obsessed with fine dining...
Art In Zihuatanejo
“…plastic frogs, butterflies and thick splashes of color that seem to emerge from the surface of the canvas.” Five Artists from Lake Superior March 25-30th, Galeria de Arte La Madera hosted an exhibit of five established American artists from the Lake Superior region of the United States. The opening night reception was held Saturday...
Centro Educacional Para Proteccion de las Animales
“Rebeca’s hope is one day to have a park and animal sanctuary where families can come children and learn about the animals of Mexico.” There is never a dull moment at the Centro Educacional Para Protección de las Animales, a non profit animal sanctuary for abandoned and injured animals in Zihuatanejo, run by Rebeca and Richard...

Volume 1 – Issue 7 April 2000
April 2000 This is the final issue of our first season. Keep checking our web site for summer updates. On Leaving Paradise… Two years is a long time to spend away from home. Home being your home country, your native language, your native customs, and your own bed. But I have been in paradise for...

Volume 1 – Issue 6 March 2000
March 2000 Another Day in Paradise – call for Submissions Another day in Paradise is seeking photos and all manner of article contributions in a variety of topics relating to the Zihuatanejo area and/or Mexico. Possible topics range from: Art (regional, national) Architecture (regional, tropical), Travel, Food (cooking, recipes, tropical drinks), History (archeological to recent),...
At the movies – Oscar Preview
I’ve only seen one but no need to worry, it seems an obvious choice to me (wanna bet?).” The 72nd Annual Academy Awards are coming up this month (Sunday March 26, 2000, 5:00 PST) and as usual this time of year, the media buzz is deafening. Well, at least in America, that is. If you’re...
Noteworthy News for the gringos at large
“For those of you don’t know, CANACO, the Zihua Chamber of Commerce puts out a free telephone book of all their member businesses…” Results are in from the county fair held here in Zihuatanejo Jan. 26th-Feb. 6th. 120,000 people came, up from 86,000 just 2 years ago. With rides, games, food, live music and much...