Letter from the Editor – February 2007
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Ahhh February…Not only the month of love, but the month of Mardi Gras and Carnaval. And traditionally that means a time of fun frivolous excess, a time to eat all the meat before the fast of Lent. “A man hath no better thing under the sun than to eat,...

Letter from the Editor – January 2007
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. It’s January and if you are not feeling like that proverbial snowball barreling downhill—just wait a moment you will be. But we’re in the tropics, so maybe we shouldn’t use snowball or even skiers out-running avalanches, analogies. Let’s think surfing. Imagine a tiny dot of...

Mayan Facts
The Mayans first appeared in Southern Mexico, Central and South America around 7000 BC and by 250 AD they had reached great heights as an intellectual, artistic, and cultural civilization. And during the years between 250 AD and 900 AD they made many advances in math, science, architecture, writing and astronomy that were not to...
Shopping Ixtapa
Check it out! If you don’t know where to look you just might miss it. Ixtapa has a veritable shopping city, located just off the main boulevard and sprawling off behind it. Driving along the Ixtapa Boulevard you will see a smattering of boutiques and small shops, but that is just the beginning. Wander behind...

Letter from the Editor – December 2006
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. As we come to the end of 2006, we are reflecting on beginnings as well as endings. This month we look at the Mayans, an advanced civilization of people who were contemplating the stars when most other societies were still digging in the dirt. We feature the...

Letter from the Editor – November 2006
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. And welcome to just the beginning…as we kick off our eighth season here in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, so the saying goes. That can be either an exciting or a scary proposition. It all depends on the state of your...
April 2006 / 45
Letter from the Editor “With a wave she walks out the door*…” Welcome to another day in paradise. Welcome to issue 45, the sixth issue of our seventh season and the final issue of 2005 – 2006. Ars Gratia Artis- Art for Art’s sake. So they’re always saying, but what I want to know is...
March 2006 / 44
Letter from the Editor “Mixing pop and politics he asks me what the use is / I offer him embarrassment and my usual excuses…” (1) Does art imitates life or does life imitate art? The age-old question becomes ever more poingnant when rock stars get nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and the Academy Awards...

February 2006 / 43
Letter from the Editor The times they are a changin’ It’s true. Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo is experiencing some unprecedented growth of late. I’d wager we have seen more growth in the last five to ten years than in the 30 previous ones. The entire dynamic of the place is changing, that’s what I am hearing from all...
January 2006 / 42
Letter from the Editor Welcome to Another Day in Paradise and welcome to the year 2006 AD. Ready or not here comes the dog. It’s January and off we go, lumbering into another new year. 2005 went out like a light. I wasn’t actually ready for it and found myself fumbling for the...
Buddhism – Suffering is Optional
“One of humanities largest cognitive errors is thinking that pleasure is the same as happiness. Trying to extract happiness from pleasure is like trying to milk a crocodile.” – Israel Lifshitz Israel Lifshitz discovered Buddhism 13 and-a-half years ago when he attended a lecture that opened his eyes and changed the path of his life....

December 2005 / 41
Letter from the Editor Welcome to the big month of December and Welcome to Another Day in Paradise. Intrepid travelers, we arrive here from all corners. By plane, by bus, by car, we make this pilgrim’s journey every year. Braving long roads and long layovers and the more than occasional exorbitant fare,...