Mosaic Murals of the UNAM Central Library
Nowhere is Mexico´s love of their pre-Hispanic heritage more apparent than in the stunning central library of the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), in the southern part of Mexico City. Ten stories tall, the building is covered in its entirety by mosaic stone murals depicting the history of Mexico. The building was built by...

An exciting start to a bold new Cultural Calendar for Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo
All Photos by Arte Visual / www.emartevisual.com 2013 marks the ten year anniversary of the Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival, and in its continuing efforts to do more for Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, the festival has recently embarked on an ambitious plan to provide year-round programming. Zi-Guitar Fest AC, the non-profit association behind the guitar festival, will be...
The Pros and Cons of a tattered bag
This is my carry-on hand luggage. Yes, that is black duct tape, yes I do love it. I bought it for $5 at a thrift store in Long Beach, CA, and on that trip alone I took it to 12 cities, 6 states and 2 countries. In a pocket I found an in-room information...

Mexico Ignites Italy!
In the month of June an impressive delegation of Mexican luminaries landed in Europe, embarking on a promotion tour spreading Mexican culture, food , music, and dance across northern Italy. Mexico Week in Veneto included various food, wine and culture events during the week of June 4 – 10, in multiple cities, filling the streets of...

9th annual Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival delivers another fabulous music filled festival
The 9th annual Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival, held March 5 – 11, 2012 was a tremendous success, filling the beautiful beach town of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo with musicians and audience members from across the globe, for a week of guitar music in paradise. The Zihuatanejo International Guitar festival is an annual music festival that brings world class...

Guitar Fest 2012, March 5 – 11, 2012
9th Annual Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival, March 5 – 11, 2012, in Beautiful Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival is very proud to announce that they will be the recipient of an Arts and Culture grant from the Mexican federal government, increasing our budget and insuring we can...
Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo Project Directory
The Angel Tree Program This is a worldwide program, a branch of which was started in Zihuatanejo seven years ago. The project organizes gifts for the children of people incarcerated in the local jail. Gifts are delivered on January 6th of each year (Kings’ Day). The inmates also create high quality hammocks which are sold...

A New ADIP.info
April 2011 Letter from the Publisher
April is traditionally the end around here, the end of the high season, the end of the ADIP print season, but this year April is just the beginning. April finds us inaugurating a completely new website, a completely new way of publishing and a completely new platform for all the wonderful content about Mexico you...
Letter from the Publisher March 2011
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise, It’s March and that means only one thing in Zihuatanejo: the Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival! March 8 – 13, the streets will be full of music in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo as 16 international artists converge on Zihuatanejo from across the globe. On offer will be Gala Dinner Shows, Bar Shows, Concerts...

Letter from the Publisher February 2011
Dear loyal Paradise readers, The times they are a changin’. That statement is just always fitting, but it feels a little more fitting lately. Here at paradise we are changing with the times! Magazines are undeniably becoming increasingly obsolete as we readers go online for more and more of our information. Much loved by readers...
Letter from the Publisher January 2011
Well it’s January, and the beat goes on here in paradise. Perhaps a bit slower beat than in years’ past—we’ll call it a sultry tropical beat. Its feeling all breezy and languid this new year. and as much as we all love to have the town hopping and bustling, I must say I am enjoying...