Ixtapa Zihuatanejo
Mexican travelers include the neighboring beach towns of Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo, in the state of Guerrero, as favorite destinations, but that’s where their similarity ends. Visitors to this area will encounter two decidedly different vacation destinations just 6.5 km (4 miles apart). Ixtapa, once a coconut plantation, boasts the high-rise hotels, all-inclusive resorts, air-conditioned restaurants...

Puerto Vallarta
Before John Huston’s 1964 film, The Night of the Iguana, Puerto Vallarta was a just sleepy fishing village on the Pacific Coast where the states of Jalisco and Nayarit meet. But Liz Taylor came to keep an eye on her lover Richard Burton while he was filming with the voluptuous Ava Gardner. The publicity buzz...

5 Fundamental Points of the Oil Energy Reform
The press release of President Enrique Peña Nieto´s staff, detailing the five main points of his reform proposal: On the subject of oil and other hydrocarbons, the Energy Reform contains five fundamental points: – It reiterates, word for word, the text of Article 27 of the Constitution at the...

The Bookstores of Donceles Street, Mexico City
Step into any one of the dozen or so bookstores on Donceles Street in Mexico City´s historic center and you might find yourself in a predicament similar to the following: Do you stick to the game plan, zeroing in on that novel about the Mexican Revolution that you haven’t been able to find anywhere else,...

Desserts in the Latin American Tradition
Excerpts from the book , by Joseluis Flores, with Laura Zimmerman Maye: Cajeta Cajeta is a goat’s milk caramel similar to dulce de leche (cow’s milk-caramel originally from Argentina) or manjar blanco (what they call dulce de leche in Peru). In Mexico, it is traditionally sold in small, thin wooden boxes, or cajas, on the...
Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico’s newly elected president, addresses the nation
Enrique Peña Nieto: The continuing global economic slowdown has taken its toll on world development, severely affecting most advanced economies. According to the International Labour Organisation, 600m productive jobs will have to be created around the world over the next decade in order to generate sustainable growth and maintain social cohesion. Whereas growth in...

El Paraiso de los niños – Summer Program 2012
El Paraiso de los niños – Summer Children´s program in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo starts on Monday: fairs, films, shows, circuses and children´s activities every day in July and August !

Underwater Photo Contest
Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo’s first Underwater Photo Contest took place July 28-29, 2012. Over 50 underwater photographers participated in the contest, including international contestants from Germany and the United States. Among them were twenty scuba divers who took photos at Zacatoso reef and Ixtapa Island and a group of snorkelers who took photos while snorkeling around Ixtapa Island. ...
Book events in Zihuatanejo
First presentation of AUTHORS IN ZIHUA, book reading events by local authors. –Monday, Dec. 19 at 6pm. Restaurant El Manglar on Playa La Ropa, LINDA LEONARD- CANADIAN/ZIHUA TRAVEL AUTHOR presenting her 2 books: LIVING THE DREAM IN MEXICO is about RVing, about travel, about Mexico and her people; and LIVING THE DREAM IN EUROPE is a personal...

Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 12th is traditionally known in Mexico as the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (Día de la Virgin de Guadalupe), celebrating the manifestation of the Virgin Mary on Dec 9, 1531. It is the most important holiday in Mexico, even more important that Christmas, and is celebrated nationwide. Millions of pilgrims converge on the Mexico City...
Calling all Westjet Travelers!
Book transporters needed!
Word share with the children of Zihuatanejo, from Sister City Collingwood, Canada The Collingwood-Zihuatanejo sister city committee has been in existence since 2004, bridging the communities of Collingwood, Canada, and Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico, through cultural exchange and philanthropic projects. This year’s project will provide English language books and English language books on CD’s to Casa de...

Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo Peace Festival, November 14-17 2011
On November 14-17 2011, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo will host “Festival de La Paz” (peace in Spanish) to re-dedicate and celebrate its commitment to work towards peace and to recognize the many international groups and organizations that participated in peace-building activities with the community over the past year. The Peace Festival will be celebrated in November rather...