International Realtors of the Year: John Glaab (second from left) and Linda Neil (second from right) at the NAR national convention in Orlando, Florida, USA, in November 2012
This year the United States´ real estate association, National Association of Realtors (NAR) created a new award category; International REALTOR® Member of the Year. The award is designed to recognize and honor international members who embody REALTOR® spirit. Recipients of this award go above and beyond; they volunteer their time to the Association and help to build REALTOR® brand awareness. They are educating and promoting REALTOR® professionalism to both agents and consumers, while also providing an example for all REALTORS® to follow.
Two winners were announced this year for International REALTOR® of the Year Award: John Glaab and Linda Neil of Mexico.
NAR stated: Long standing international REALTOR® members, John and Linda are true stewards of our Association. John, a CIPS designee and published real estate writer, utilizes public relations and social media to grow the REALTOR name and brand. Linda Neil, the current NAR President’s Liaison to Mexico, has just been added to the cadre of CIPS instructors. Together, this dynamic duo, are successful global ambassadors for our Association.

Jorge Cantero, Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) instructor with Linda Neil and a new CIPS Designee from the Philippines.