Historic agreements between Texas and Mexico signed in San Antonio: Participating leaders signed cross-border, business-building partnership agreements that provide for cooperation and collaboration in real estate throughout the region.
Welcome to our Third Quarter Newsletter. As I write this, there are major political problems around the world and the global economy continues on a rather bumpy road. The International Monetary Fund is working on bailouts and in the United States; The Federal Reserve Board has announced action and will spend $ 40 Billion a month to buy mortgage backed securities. All of this makes it difficult to predict the short term Mexican real estate market. Meanwhile real estate associations in the three NAFTA countries are working on strategies and alliances in order to be able to take advantage of a market recovery.
Mexico continues to struggle against what appears to be paranoia among U.S. citizens about travel to this country. In recent months the media has started to publish positive articles in order to combat sensational if not erroneous reports from certain U.S. cable television channels. Two examples are the article in the September 21 edition of The News,” Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo from Pirates to Pilates” The Chicago Tribune on the same date published an article focusing on the strength of the Mexican Economy. In Puerto Vallarta, Tropicasa Realty is working with a US Production company to help restore trust in Mexico’s Tourism. Tropicasa has teamed-up with Travel Secrets Mexico, a TV Documentary Series that portrays life in Mexico as it is, not as it is assumed to be, based on negative news and often unsubstantiated travel warnings. The subject of Mexico’s image abroad was discussed fully at the recent Tourism Symposium in San Miguel.
NAR Announces new Certified CIPS Instructors:
The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) has announced the addition of six new instructors to its Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) faculty. Linda Neil Jones, PIC (Mexico) ABR, TRC, CIPS ios among those named as qualified instructors. She is the Founding President of AMPI La Paz and one of the organizers of the AMPI/NAR Tourism Foro in 2003. That event gave birth to NAR’s Resort and Second Home Section. The new instructors are; Ms. Seema A. Allangawi, Dubai ,Ms. Christel Silver, Del Ray Beach, Florida, Jeni Eugenia Temen, Reno, Nevada, Ms. Tamara Larisa Trybouslu, Las Vegas, Nevada, Ms. Linda Jones Neil, Baja California Sur,, Mexico and Mr. Ron Phipps, Warwick, Rhode Island.
Commenting on the announcement Jennifer Rzeszewski, Manager Global Education and membership at NAR said, “, NAR is pleased to have an instructor from Mexico, one of our NAFTA country members on our faculty. Congratulations Linda.”
BMW motorcycles coming to Mexico:
Uruapan, Michoacán will be the headquarters for the sixteenth International BMW Convention. More than 450 riders will come from Canada, The United States Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Panama .The number of visitors, including sponsors, mechanics and suppliers will be in excess of 800. A cavalcade of riders will visit Michoacán’s treasures in villages such as Patzcuaro and Santa Clara del Cobre. The group will visit sixteenth century chapels in Parcacho (famous for guitars) Quiroga, and Patzcuaro. They will witness the natural beauty of the state and artistic, musical and gastronomic fiesta will take place at the base of the Volcano Paricutin.
The Conference will take place from October 24th to 27th.
Two Important Real Estate Events in San Miguel de Allende:
San Miguel de Allende was the location of two successful real estate events, recently. Day one was sponsored by AMAR (Retirement Community Association). Javier Govi made the key note speech to an audience of over 80. Among those attending were architects, investors, developers, some from the medical and related industries (I sat next to the Head of Nutrition from The University of Nuevo Leon.) and a small group of REALTORS®
Javier Govi the Founder of AMAR spoke on “Retirement as A Business.” Using charts and graphs he outlined the demographics and needs of various U.S. citizens including the Baby Boomers. He outlined various models for retirement communities. At the moment AMAR has two certified retirement centers in Mexico and has a goal of ten before the end of next year. The session was at the elegant new Rosewood hotel.
On the second day, more than ninety attended the AMPI Real Estate Tourism Symposium. Among those at the event were AMPI President Sergio Gomez, Vice President Guillermo and two Past presidents Roberto Flores (Queretaro) and Hector Obregon (Pueblo.)
There were three main speakers. Lic Clemente Villapando Director of Immigration in San Miguel, explained the changes to Minco’s Immigration Laws. Linda Neil from AMPI Los Cabos dealt with the subject, “The expectations of Foreigners Buying in Mexico’ Part of her speech was devoted to explaining why AMPI members should join NAR and become REALTORS®. She also outlined the importance of the Certified International Property Specialist designation (CIPS) and that Mexico now has a CIPS Instructor. Linda advised that AMPI’s Training Center is working on a schedule for CIPS courses next year. Javier Govi from AMAR outlined the difference between selling second homes and selling retirement in Mexico at assisted and other types of retirement centers.
In the afternoon, those attending broke out into round tables. Subjects discussed were; Baby Boomers, Fideicomisos, Language, Social Networks and Information technology, Mexico’s image abroad and Medical Tourism. Group leaders presented the results to the Symposium.
Historic agreements between Texas and Mexico signed in San Antonio
By John Gornley,TAR
On Sept. 7, 2012, the organized real estate relationship between Texas and Mexico took a giant step forward. At the Texas REALTORS® Conference in San Antonio, the Texas Association of REALTORS® and AMPI, Mexico’s real estate association (La Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios), conducted what’s believed to be the largest ever cross-border, chapter-to-chapter signing ceremony.
(The Texas Association of REALTORS® is designated by the National Association of REALTORS® as the official ambassador association to Mexico. Linda Jones Neil is the NAR president’s liaison to Mexico.)
Participating leaders signed cross-border, business-building partnership agreements that provide for cooperation and collaboration in real estate throughout the region.
To open the ceremony, AMPI 2012 president Sergio Gómez signed the master agreement for Mexico, and 2012 TAR International Committee Chairman Alston Boyd signed for Texas. A series of local-chapter agreements – 75 in all – were then signed by representatives of AMPI chapters and local associations in Texas.
Fifteen AMPI Sections, including Aguascalientes, Cozumel, Mexico City and Guadalajara signed the agreement. For the Texas Association of Realtors thirteen organizations such as The Austin Board of Realtors, The Houston Association of Realtors and The San Antonio Board of Realtors participated at the meeting…
Joe Stewart, 2012 Chairman of the Texas Association of Realtors, commented, “In recent years, we’ve seen increasing interest in cross-border real estate opportunities, both Mexicans purchasing property here in the U.S. and Americans purchasing property in Mexico. These partnerships will help Texas Realtors and AMPI members work together to serve those clients. It also further elevates awareness of international real estate, which will lead to more educational opportunities for our members and more resources for property owners interested in international markets.”
The Texas Association of Realtors (TAR) has strong ties with The Mexican Association of Realtors have formed strong ties over the years. A few years ago, TAR conducted a Trade Mission to Mexico (TAR) It was the largest outgoing Trade mission ever for the National Asociation of Realtors® Alston Boyd TAR’s International Chair and John Gormley TAR’s Director of Communication frequently attend AMPI events in Mexico.
Travel Secrets Mexico TV Series Battles Negative Press
Wayne Franklin – BanderasNews.com
September 10, 2012
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Tropicasa Realty is working with a US Production company to help restore trust in Mexico’s Tourism. Tropicasa has teamed-up with Travel Secrets Mexico, a TV Documentary Series that portrays life in Mexico as it is, not as it is assumed to be, based on negative news and often unsubstantiated travel warnings.
Travel Secrets Mexico focuses on the daily life in Mexico and conveys the true reality that can be understood and appreciated by the general public in the US and Canada. The negative media reports from the US and Canada took a heavy toll on Mexico’s tourism industry as it was intended. It has wiped out thousands of small businesses and is hurting millions of families who depend on tourism for their survival.
Travel Secrets Mexico is a 30-minute television show set to air this fall on FamilyNet Television. One of the fastest-growing cable TV networks in the US, FamilyNet TV is available to more than 29 million households with well over 50 million potential viewers.
We hope that TV viewers in the US and Canada will see through these commercially-motivated scare tactics that have damaged the Mexican tourism industry and the psyche of Mexican people, and rediscover the important influences of Mexican culture, Mexican communities, Mexican destinations and the influence each neighbor in North America has on the other.
Tropicasa has invested in this production as we believe in the message. A total of 12 episodes will be aired featuring some of the most beautiful destinations in Mexico and North America with a strong message of actual safety in each of the regions.
We invite you to preview the “Lifestyle” segment of the Puerto Vallarta program above for just a taste of this series. We hope you enjoy it and help us pass along the message that Mexico is still safe and enjoyable for vacation and/or retirement.
Editor’s Note: The FamilyNet TV production team is currently filming other upcoming episodes in Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo Vallarta, which may be previewed on the Travel Secrets Mexico website. The Settlement Company Salutes Wayne Franklin and his company Tropicasa Realty in Puerto Vallarta. In addition to this TV initiative, the company has produced a series of excellent print advertisements. They spoof violence in Mexico with light hearted messages.
Education in Mexican Real Estate:
Since being founded a few short years ago, CCIE the Training and Statistics arm of The Mexican Association or Real Estate Professionals has developed a myriad of courses. The newest course is called, “Real Estate in Mexico from A to Z.” It was originally developed as a course sponsored by the U.S. National Association of Realtors® (NAR) and titled “Doing Business in Mexico.” It was first presented for the first time at AMPI’s National Conference in 2006.
Linda Neil of AMPI Los Cabos and her team have updated the NAR course to include changes in the Mexican law and current statistics. The new course will be presented by Linda Neil PIC (Mexico) ABR, CIPS, TRC and Mercy Duenas, of Guadalajara, for the first time, at the upcoming AMPI Congreso in Guadalajara in October.
Commenting on the progress at CCIE, Director Carla Izurieta said, “We have come a long way in developing courses with the objective of raising the level of knowledge and professionalism among our members. At the moment many course are only available at AMPI Headquarters and in Spanish. We are working to have courses online and in English.”
AMPI members who join NAR and become International REALTORS® also have access to the training and courses offered by NAR’s Real Estate University.
Tourists Spending More in 2012:
By Leticia Paula Cruz (Rumbo de Mexico)
MEXICO CITY: The Secretariat of Tourism (SECTUR) reports that tourists spent about $7.7 billion between January and July. This is up 6.3% compared to the same period last year.
According to the Bank of Mexico (Banixco) International Travel Report there were more than 8.2 million tourists that stayed in the country for an “extended period of time.: This is 4.1 percent higher than during the same period last year. In a statement by SECTUR expenditures by international tourist rose 7.2 percent to approximately 6.2 billion pesos over the same period.
This figure represents an average of $754 per person, 3 percent higher than last year’s numbers. Mexico’s tourism industry brought in roughly $ 1.1 billion worth in foreign currency in July The Secretariat also reported that in the first seven months of 2012, average expenditures by international tourists grew by 7.8 percent in relation to 2011, while expenditures from those who crossed the border for a short period of time grew 10.4 percent.
Upcoming Real Estate Events:
The Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals will hold its Annual Conference, Annual General Meeting and Trade Show in Guadalajara/Tequila from October 31- November 3. The National Association of Realtors® will have its Conference and Trade Show in Orlando Florida from November 6-13