Scientific name: ascia monuste, one of the species found in the area of Laguna de Potosí and Playa Blanca. Photo by Ana Luisa Figueroa Fernandez.
Dec TBA, Rucco Surfer Reunion 2010, Ixtapa. The annual Rucco reunion is a three day event focused on surf and fun at Playa Linda. There will be teams of surfers, all 40 years or older, from Mexico, Texas, California, Florida, and more! Also there will be good food, beverages, music, and more. For more info, or if you want to compete email: Catcha L’ola or call (755)553-1384.
Dec 3, 4 and 5, Segunda Travesía a Nado de Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, (Second Swim Contest in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo). Whether you are a swimmer in the race or a spectator, come out and cheer for ecology and protection for our sea-life and bays. This year there will be three different events, three consecutive days in three different places all within Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. The races are all 2km long and will be held Dec. 3rd at Playa La Ropa, Dec. 4th in Ixtapa Bay, and Dec. 5th from Playa Linda to Isla Ixtapa. All ages and skill levels can participate. Prizes and medals will be given to winners. Travesia a Nado Zihua or call (755)554-6223 or (755)544-6667
Dec 5-12, Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe, Nationwide. During this week dedicated to La Virgen de Guadalupe (the Virgin of Guadalupe) millions of the faithful gathering for processions, prayers, songs, dances, and fireworks to honor La Reina de México (The Queen of Mexico).Many lively events happen all across Mexico, but the main pilgrimage on December 12th is directed to the home of the miraculous image of the Virgin, the Basilica in Mexico City. The square in front of the Basilica is a stage for singing, dancing and celebration.
Dec 8, Pilgrimage to Juquila, Oaxaca. In the village of Santa Catalina Juquila, approximately one kilometer from the city of Oaxaca, is the statue of the Virgen Morena de Juquila to which are attributed many miracles. Every year hundreds of thousands make a pilgrimage to Juquila, some on foot, on bicycle and by car or truck. There are many legends about this small statue which, when taken to a neighboring village, mysteriously reappeared in its original home. When a flash fire destroyed most of the village, including the house where the statue was kept, the statue was found unharmed, simply with its skin darkened.
Dec 8, Taste of La Madera Food Crawl and Guitar Fest Fundraiser in Zihuatanejo. Sample the menus of six restaurants in Colonia La Madera. Participating restaurants are Bistro del Mar, La Gula, Rufos, El Perla Negra, Casa Vieja, and La Rana Rene Madera. 150 pesos per person. Advance ticket sales at Rafa’s (formerly Rick’s Bar in centro) only 100 tickets available.
Dec 11, Another Day in Paradise Lecture Series 2010, Butterflies of Laguna de Potosi and Playa Blanca by Ana Luisa Figueroa Fernandez, 7pm Coconuts Restaurant, Zihuatanejo. Butterflies are the world’s second most diverse group of insects. Mexico is home to ten percent of the world’s butterfly population with Guerrero qualifying as one of the most diverse states. Within the state, the area of Laguna de Potosí and Playa Blanca is rich with butterfly species. This is known because of Ana Luisa Figueroa, a UAM-Xochimilco biology student, hosted by El Refugio de Potosí, a wildlife refuge in Barra de Potosi. For the past year, she has been tramping through different habitats of Laguna de Potosi and Playa Blanca to catalog the butterfly species of the region. Come to hear and learn about of her work.
Dec 12-21, Festival de San Cristóbal de las Casas, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. This two-week festival in Chiapas includes a procession by the Tzotzil and Tzetzal Indians, Marimba music and a parade of horses. The annual festival is unique to this region and includes the Fiesta of the Virgin Guadalupe as part of its celebration.
Dec 12, Dia de Tonantzin tlali (Day of Tonantzin, the earth godess). Along with the catholic celebration of the virgin of Guadalupe, among the indigenous population there is also remembrance for the earth goddess, mother of the gods and protector of humanity, Tonantzin.
Dec13-22, Feria de la Piñata , Alcoman, Estado de Mexico. In the small town of Alcoman, only a few miles from Mexico City, there is annual celebration of the children’s favorite party favor, the piñata. Among the piñatas on show are those made from clay, traditional models with seven points that symbolize the seven deadly sins, and those made from cardboard with popular children’s designs. This is a great festival to celebrate with families where you can learn to make your own piñata.
Dec 15, Another Day in Paradise Lecture series 2010, Q & A On Capital Gains Tax, Agustin Galindo,7 pm at Coconuts Restaurant, Zihuatanejo, Gro. Q & A On Capital Gains Tax on property in Mexico with attorney Agustin Galindo, fully bilingual, with a law degree from Universidad Iberoamericana, a Masters of Law (LLM) from Southern Methodist University in Dallas Texas, a Tax degree from ITAM in Mexico City, Galindo is a certified court translator in English and Spanish languages, authorized by the Superior Court of Justice of Guerrero.
Dec 16-24, Posadas, Nationwide. Throughout the country, streets and households host vibrant parties and processions, known as posadas, in remembrance of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. There are processions recreating their journey in which people holding candles go door to door to seek shelter. Festivities include piñatas, Christmas caroling and special foods and sweets.
Dec 18, Another Day in Paradise presents Tropical Memories, Tropical Recuerdos, art exhibition opening by Zihuatanejo artist, Grace Relfe. Painting scenes seen in nature and surroundings in beautiful Zihuatanejo. Grace uses acrylics and oils to express her vision. Many of her paintings are of La Ropa beach where she lives at Casa de las Piedras. Show from 7pm – 10pm, Coconuts Restaurant, downtown Zihuatanejo, Pasaje Agustin Ramirez, No. 1, Tel. 755-554-2518
Dec 23, 57th Anniversary of Zihuatanejo, la cancha (basketball courts), downtown Zihuatanejo,Gro. Celebrate the pride and heritage of the Azueta population at the annual festivities in downtown for the founding of the Zihuatanejo de Azueta Municipality in 1953.
Dec 23, La Noche de Los Rábanos, (Night of the Radishes), Oaxaca City. Radishes are lovingly sculpted into everything from animals to saints and nativity scenes at Oaxaca’s curious annual Radish Festival. Local artisans and sculptors set up stalls around the main square to display their elaborate pieces of art made entirely from radishes! The local crop is used for creating nativity scenes and famous Mexican figures.
Dec 24, Las Calendas,Oaxaca, Oaxaca. The districts of Oaxaca City prepare floats and costumes for processions held throughout the city. The parades feature marmotas (translucent paper spheres lit from within and carried aloft on poles) and giant paper maché people whose arms flop around as the person hidden inside dances.
Dec 24, Misa de Gallo and Christmas Eve Supper, National. Roman Catholic Mexicans head to their local church to celebrate the late night Misa de Gallo. This literally translates as rooster’s mass, but is usually known as midnight mass.
Dec 24, Christmas Eve Service, Zihuatanejo Christian Fellowship, at Nardo’s Restaurant, Calle Adelita 148, Colonia La Madera. Dinner will be available until 6:00pm. Program starts at 7:00pm. For more information, see www.zihuachristian.org or call 554-7178
Dec 24, Christmas Eve Service, Ixtapa Christian Fellowship, at Villas Paraiso, Ixtapa (across from Ixtapa Palace) 6:30pm. Ixtapa Christian Fellowship wishes to extend a very warm invitation to our service. All are welcome. For more information, call 755-554-5919
Dec 28, Dia de los Inocentes (The Day of the Innocents), National. Said to be a religious commemoration of the day that Herod sent out his troops to kill all newborn children in an attempt to eradicate the threat of a new king. Actually, the day is more akin to April Fool’s Day, with gags and jokes being played.
Dec 31, Año Nuevo (New Year’s Eve) nationwide. Celebrations are everywhere you go on the last day of the year. Whether throwing your own party or getting out and celebrating with the masses, fun and merriment are easily found. In Mexico City’s Zocalo square, the celebration becomes as lively at it gets on Independence Day. Parties are vibrant and go on forever. The mood is of celebration and hope for the new year ahead. Colonial towns throughout Mexico are particularly atmospheric at this time and are great places to go if you’re looking for an alternative to the normal big town / big city New Year’s scene. For example, special festivities take place at Santa Clara del Cobre, near Patzcuaro, with a candlelit procession of Christ and at Tlacolula, near Oaxaca, with commemorative mock battles.
Dec.31, Liberation of the Turtles, Zihuatanejo. Every year on New Years Eve, the Annual Program of Preservation of the Sea Turtle closes out its year with a massive turtle release with the participation of tourists. Locations: Playas La Ropa, La Madera and Principal in Zihuatanejo and Playa El Palmar (Ixtapa). Time of release may vary. Highly recommended for adults and children.
- Scientific name: ascia monuste, one of the species found in the area of Laguna de Potosí and Playa Blanca. Photo by Ana Luisa Figueroa Fernandez.
- Liberation of the Turtles