On the Cover: Flower Stall at the Zihuatanejo market selling marigolds for Day of the Dead ceremonies. Photo: Grace Relfe
Welcome to Another Day in Paradise…
Ixtapa / Zihuatanejo’s first and only English language magazine for expatriates and visitors alike.
We hope you enjoy our informative and entertaining publication and welcome any feedback or contributions.
If you have any upcoming events to publicize, please let us know.
Greetings from Minnesota, Thanks for putting out your 2 edition. Keep up the informative articles.
Glad to see you are up and running after the summer. I have been to Zihua since reading your paper(s). The info you had helped me a lot….I plan to return!! I appreciate all your efforts…. P from Seattle |
Zihuatanejo-Rolex-IGFA Invitational Tournament of Champions Qualifying event, Fintastic’s Tag & Release Billfish Tournament, kicked off this morning in the shining Pacific Coast waters of Zihuatanejo, Mexico amid great expectations. |
I have been watching the birds here in the winter off and on for the past three years and I’d like to share with you what I have seen. We stay up the hill on the La Ropa road so I can look down at the trees and also up on the mountainside besides spending a lot of time on the beach. |
Remember Dolly Parton’s husband in the movie Steel Magnolias? Well, that quiet grumbling cowboy was Sam Shepard. He has appeared in bit parts in movies such as The Right Stuff and Days of Heaven. He has penned several screenplays but he’s most noted for his plays. |
Viva la Bahia! — Zihuatanejo celebrates its Bay
It was an absolutely gorgeous Sunday morning, that 29th of October, when 3 enthusiastic swimmers ranging from age 4 to 54 and one excited Golden Labrador jumped into the calm, crystal clear waters at Playa Las Gatas and started their mile-long swim to the Playa Principal. |
The golf course was, much to my surprise, in very good shape. And, considering the prime real estate dedicated to the golf course, the cost of my round was, if not a good deal, an equitable one. Although Ixtapa/Zihuatanejomay not be a world famous golfing vacation destination, I will certainly bring my clubs the next time I visit. |
Mexico has long had a rich art tradition. Masters in almost every form have hailed from this country. From sculpture to wood carving, furniture designers, jewelry and metal working to a vast tradition of painters, the list goes on. Just about every genre of art can be found in Mexico’s history and the tradition continues to this day. |
When we write our restaurant reviews, we try and let you know about those hidden tucked away spots that give you a true sense of discovering a real feel for our little community here. A secret spot. |
The Respectable Lady of the “Small Red Chili Pepper”, the Pre-Hispanic goddess of chili peppers, sister of Tlaloc, the god of water was called Tlatlauhqui-cihuatl-ichilzintli. Her name is as complicated as the names of chili peppers in Mexico. |
Margarito (Triby) Rodriguez Gomez is primarily a commercial pangero who works out of his panga named “Nathaly”. Occasionally he has worked with me and a few private yachts assisting us with his incredible ability to find and catch fish. What is unique about Triby, is that he specializes in catching the 2 pound plus giant yellowfin tuna our area is known for. |
November certainly has plenty of activity. There are more people arriving everyday. The major Catch and Release Tournament runs from the 16th through the 18th for 3 days for some of the world’s best billfishing by many of the world’s best fishermen. |
The road from Tepic to Guadalajara was an excellent cuota. The elevation rises to 5,141 feet though; this is not for a car with a weak cooling system. Our 72 km. drive that day ended in Guadalajara at 15:4, even with the one-hour time change entering Jalisco. |